What is the Japanese personality? 10 characteristics and a humorous perspective

The Japanese personality has many diverse and interesting aspects. Let’s explore the characteristics of Japanese people from a humorous perspective!

  1. “Inconspicuous” Artists Japanese people try to be inconspicuous. They make perfect lines on the train and erase their existence. Foreigners will wonder, “Where do they come from?”
  2. “Manners Ninja”: Japanese people are passionate about manners. They don’t use cell phones on the train, take their trash home, and say “Thank you for your hard work” to each other. Foreigners will be amazed and wonder, “Do they have secret manners training?”
  3. “Patience Craftsman”: Japanese people are patient. Even if they feel a little uncomfortable, they won’t give up halfway. Foreigners will be impressed and wonder, “Do they have superhuman patience?”
  4. “The mystery of self-expression”: Japanese people are not very assertive. Because they prioritize others and the atmosphere of the place, foreigners may wonder, “Are they ninjas who hide their feelings?” They prioritize cooperation over individuality.
  5. “Peaceful samurai”: Japanese people do not like conflict. They are pacifists, and foreigners may wonder, “Do they have the soul of a samurai?” Even if they have a difference of opinion with others, they do not clearly say “no” but use vague answers or words that can be interpreted as either, trying to avoid conflict.
  6. “Cultural sponge”: Japanese people are easy to accept cultures and trends from other countries. Foreigners will be surprised, “Are they cultural sponges?” Because they have the characteristic of listening to others, they may be easily influenced by others in culture, words, and behavior.
  7. “Perfectionist artist”: Japanese people are strict about time and promises. Foreigners will wonder, “Do they have a secret weapon in time management?” They have been taught not to cause trouble to others in group life, so they do not take away other people’s time. Of course, not everyone is like that, but there is a base there, so if you are not punctual, you may lose credibility.
  8. “Ninja of the group”: Japanese people like to gather in large groups. Foreigners will wonder, “What are they planning as a group?” Rather than plotting something, they feel safe by acting as a group because they are with everyone.
  9. “Magic of the horizontal line”: Japanese people often go along with their surroundings. Foreigners will smile and say, “Are they using the magic of the horizontal line?” As the proverb goes, “The nail that sticks out gets hammered down,” it is good to be together, and there is an unspoken rule from the past that “I don’t allow a nail that sticks out, I don’t like a nail that sticks out.” If you stick out, you may be crushed, but the way to win this is to grow enough to penetrate, not just stick out, so that you will not be hit by the other party if you penetrate. So everyone is working hard and aiming for that, so maybe that’s why Japanese technology is so precise and complete.
  10. Tends to care about other people’s opinions: Japanese people have a tendency to prioritize others, and prioritizing others means they tend to judge things from the other person’s perspective. How can I make someone happy? How can I be helpful to them? What do they think of me? What do I look like to others? They are concerned about the opinions of others, so it may not be an exaggeration to say that they have a much higher need for approval than people from other countries.


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